How-To: Release on Maven Central

This page describes the steps to release OntoLib on Maven Central.

Update the README.rst file

Change the version in the README.rst.

Update the CHANGELOG.rst file

  • Update the CHANGELOG.rst file to reflect the new version.
  • Create a new commit with this version.
  • Do not create a git tag as this will be done by Maven below.

Update the demo pom.xml file

  • Ensure that the version OntoLib dependency is set to the non-SNAPSHOT version.

Prepare the Release using Maven

mvn release:prepare

Answer with the default everywhere but use “vMAJOR.MINOR” for giving the tag name, e.g. “v0.15”. Eventually, this will update the versions, create a tag for the version and also push the tag to Github.

Perform the Release

mvn release:perform

Create the release and push it to Maven central/Sonatype.

Releasing the Deployment

Read this:

The publisher backend to Maven Central is here:


Open and and adjust the files to include the header for the next SNAPSHOT version.

Update the demo pom.xml file

  • Ensure that the dependencies to OntoLib version is set to the non-SNAPSHOT version.

Maven comments

  • mvn versions:set is useful for bumping versions